English-2024 African Anti-Corruption Day

No : English-2024 African Anti-Corruption Day
Type :
Working Documents
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Recognizing whistleblowing as a critical tool for combatting corruption, Article 5 (5) of the Convention obligated State Parties to adopt legislative and other measures to protect informants and witnesses in corruption and related offences, including protection of their identities. Further, Article 5 (6) obligates State Parties to adopt measures that ensure citizens report instances of corruption without fear of consequent reprisals. Whistle blowers promote the exposition of corruption hence posing as anti-corruption defenders and promoting corruption prevention. The Country Reviews have revealed that State Parties have put in place various initiatives such as legislation to promote whistleblowing. Some countries have further put in place whistleblower protection regulations. However, there is little evidence on presence of effective whistleblowing measures. Media is always awash with stories of whistleblowers who are facing retaliation.

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