Call for paper 2024


The African Union (AU) Assembly declared the 11th of July of every year as the “African Anti-Corruption Day”. The African Union Advisory Board against Corruption has been celebrating the day with different themes and activities, including Dialogue sessions on Anti-Corruption. This year, 2024 the African Union Advisory Board against Corruption will be having the 8th Edition of the Anti-Corruption Dialogue followed by the celebration of the African Anti-Corruption Day under the theme: ‘Effective Whistleblower Protection Mechanism: A Critical Tool in the Fight against Corruption’. In this regard, the African Union Advisory Board against Corruption issues this ‘Call for Papers’ from Researchers, Academicians, and Think Tanks across the continent.
Recognizing whistle-blowing as a critical tool for combatting corruption, Article 5 (5) of the Convention obligates State Parties to adopt legislative and other measures to protect informants and witnesses in corruption and related offenses, including protecting their identities. Further, Article 5 (6) obligates State Parties to adopt measures that ensure citizens report instances of corruption without fear of consequent reprisals. Whistleblowers promote the exposition of corruption hence posing as anti-corruption defenders and promoting corruption prevention. The Country Reviews have revealed that State Parties have put in place various initiatives such as legislation to promote whistle-blowing. Some countries have further put in place whistleblower protection regulations. However, there is little evidence of the presence of effective whistle-blowing measures. The media is always awash with stories of whistleblowers who are facing retaliation.
The 2024 African Anti-Corruption Day will therefore provide a platform to highlight the significance of whistle-blowing in effectively combatting corruption and provide a space for stakeholders to reflect on the challenges, good practices, and recommendations to enhance whistle-blowing in African Union Member States. The call is therefore to individuals in AU Member States, Civil Society, Media, International Organizations, Academia, and Research Institutions to join the AUABC in commemorating the 2024 African Anti-Corruption Day through the submission of papers on the adopted theme.

For more details, see information attached below in four (4) languages;

Call for paper - English
Call for paper - French
Call for paper - Arabic
Call for paper - Portuguese