AUABC consultative engagement with COMESA

  • When
    6 - 7 mai 2024
  • Where
    Lusaka, Zambia
Add to Calendar2024-05-06 09:55:182024-05-07 12:55:18AUABC consultative engagement with COMESA<p>The Board held a two-days engagement with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) from 6<sup>th</sup> to 7<sup>th</sup> May 2024 in Lusaka, Zambia at the COMESA headquarters.</p> LusakaPan-African Parliamentyab.kami@gmail.comAfrica/Nairobipublic

The Board held a two-days engagement with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) from 6th to 7th May 2024 in Lusaka, Zambia at the COMESA headquarters. The delegation was led by Hon. Yvonne Chibiya.

Hon. Yvonne Chibiya

Hon. Chibiya emphasized the importance of RECs as an integral part of the African Union and working with RECs facilitates effective implementation of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC). She recalled the decision of the African Union Policy Organs which encouraged all Organs of the African Union to establish an effective division of labour and collaboration between the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Member States and Continental Organizations. In pursing this, the Board developed a RECs Engagement Strategy and is now consulting with COMESA to discuss mutual areas of cooperation on anti-corruption.

On his part, Dr. Dev Haman, the Assistant Secretary General, re-echoed that RECs are part of the African Union and they have a key role to ensure that corruption is fought at all levels. He added that a lot of development at policy level has taken place and measures have been implemented, that is, the laws and policies to fight corruption however there is need for more coordination and collaboration. In recognizing the work done by the continental bodies like AUABC, he emphasized the need for support at Member States level to facilitate anti-corruption projects. Sensitization of effects of corruption on the citizens remains key in combating corruption, he added. He concluded by stating the need to have strong laws and strong institutions as well as adequate human and financial capacity to fight corruption.

Comesa assistant Secretary General

The AUABC is looking at areas of mutual interest where it can partner with COMESA to develop strong synergies and frameworks to combat corruption on the continent.

AUABC Comesa consultative Meeting

The two organizations agreed to collaborate on the following areas;

- Capacity building to strengthen fight against Illicit Financial Flows (Anti-Money Laundering, and Asset Recovery)
- Knowledge and information exchange
- Synergies on Country Assessments
- Research
- Advocacy on domestication of the AUCPCC and strengthening of its implementation